Saturday, August 22, 2009

Chocolate Truffles With Vanilla

Here's how to make about 60 of these!
What you need:

1 vanilla pod
150 g cream
60 g sugar
250 g butter
200 g dark chocolate and 200 g full milk chocolate
Cocoa powder

First you cut open the vanilla pod to get the seeds. Boil up the cream, sugar and vanilla. Add both chocolate coatings while stirring. Let the mass cool down.

When the butter is soft enough beat it until fluffy. Slowly add the chocolate mass while stirring until it's very smooth.

Now cut out little portions, dust them with unsugared cocoa powder and form balls. Put them on baking paper and let them get hard in the fridge. Take them out, roll them in cocoa powder and put them back in the fridge.

My mass isn't completely hard yet, but I was able to make one from
the top.

Be sure to check back when I post more pictures with all chocolate truffles tomorrow!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Julian,

I love truffles and I love vanilla so this will be a great recipe for me to try. I've never used a vanilla pod before. I plan to make them this afternoon. I'll let you know how they turn out. I love the presentation of your recipes. The single truffle looks so elegant and delicious on the silver platter.
